Wong Man Kong (王敏剛), an unelected representative to the Chinese Peoples’ Congress for Hong Kong, revealed his intention to move the legislation for the notorious “Hong Kong Basic Law Article 23“, citing recent slogons “revolution” and “liberating Hong Kong” for the Hong Kong Five-constituency Referendum, which, in his opinion, are “endangering the national security”.

While he has freedom of speech as an individual, his speaking from the position as a “representative for the people of Hong Kong”, albeit unelected, is highly contentious. It is well known that Hong Kongers are steadfast oppose to this law, which amounts to no less than a Maccartheistic incrimination by speech (look no further than Liu Xiao-bo). Of course he isn’t “abusing” his position as a “people’s representative”; he is just following the orders of the chinese commuist echelons.

All in all, it is ironic and deeply sinister (and also 偷換概念) that Wong is using his personal “freedom of speech” to suppress the freedom of speech of every Hong Konger.

Further Reading


Martin Oei:王敏剛可列為與庚戌國賊同級港賊
——觀「城市論壇」感想 (25-3-2007)



因此,香港泛民主派一些人希望藉由港區人大、政協向中央表達港人要真普選的意願,不僅是所託非人,而且簡直是自取其辱了。看港區政協前天小組會上,藉着面見國家副主席習近平的機會,紛紛唱衰泛民主派,批 80後,罵公投,將社會矛盾諉過泛民,又有港區人大力倡盡快為 23條立法。他們都無非是乘機會向中央「表忠」,以求得到政治或經濟的更多賞賜。
昨天在港台節目《左右紅藍綠》中,有時事評論員認為中共近年加強了對宗教、互聯網、維權人士和非政府組織的極權嚴控。他的觀察是對的。但他的結論是,在中央對港政策從嚴不從寬的情勢下,香港人「用對抗來爭取民主,恐怕是錯判形勢」,卻是屈從現實、罹患軟骨症的看法。且不說五區補選是否就是對抗,倘若凡是中共視為對抗的行動都不可行,那麼港人只好節節退讓,拱手讓 23條盡快立法了。

